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 News Archive 2020

Over a majority of Americans are paying attention to the news about the Coronavirus
by Nathan'ette Burdine: February 15, 2020

The Economist/YouGov poll shows that over a majority, 68%, of Americans are paying close attention to the news about the deadly Coronavirus (China virus) that began in the Chinese province of Wuhan, and that has now claimed over 1,500 lives, mainly in China.

Participants were asked, “How closely are you following the news about Coronavirus?”

Twenty-two percent of participants said they’re “following the news very closely.” Forty-six percent of participants said they’re “following the news somewhat closely.” Twenty-three percent of the participants said that they’re not paying too much attention to the news about the deadly virus at all, and nine percent of the participants said that they aren’t paying any attention to any news about the deadly Coronavirus.

That 23% and 9% number, right there, will go down because the spreading of the Coronavirus is causing it to become more deadly before it becomes less deadly. As y’all know, folks tend to pay close attention to anything that is killing folks in high mass; especially when that anything has made it to their doors. And the number of cases that have made it through the American doors have gone from 1 to 4, 4 to 8, and now 8 to 13.

Related-35 total cases of the coronavirus confirmed in the United States

The cases span six states with one state, California, having a case whereby a person infected with the disease was “accidently released” from the University of California San Diego Health facility.

The individual came back, though. And that’s good news because it means the chances of the individual infecting someone decrease.

Now, I don’t know if the person did or did not infect anyone while the person was out and about. But I do know that the fact the person came back to the University of California San Diego Health facility says the person is a decent human being who recognizes the seriousness of the China virus and why it is that he/she should not be out and about with those of us who are China virus free.

There’s no vaccine out there that can stop the virus, which takes a little under 2 to 14 days to show itself. You get these cold like symptoms whereby you’re sneezing, coughing, and or having shortness of breath.

The doctors and scientists over at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that due to the similarities between the Middle East Respiratory Virus (MERS) and the Coronavirus, they are using information about MERS to base their information on about the symptoms associated with the Coronavirus.

MERS and the Coronavirus are respiratory illnesses. Approximately 3 or 4 out of 10 people die who are infected with MERS. If you have one of those really bad diseases like lung cancer, chronic heart problems, or real bad kidney problems, then your chances of being D-E-A-D increase.

Having said that, the CDC has not definitively said what the chances are of someone dying from the Coronavirus and if, like MERS, the chances of death increase if a person has a chronic illness.

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